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Our Beliefs
Read our beliefs below to learn how Camden Military Academy will lead your son to believe in himself leading to success in all aspects of his life.
Education is a process of growth that develops the whole man – mentally, physically, and morally. Education is more than learning and retaining a mass of facts and figures.
A close relationship
A close relationship between the teacher and student can best be accomplished in a small school.
The teacher’s role
The teacher’s role is to make learning interesting, enjoyable, and challenging. We seek to engender in our cadets a genuine respect for knowledge and learning. Once achieved, the learning process will continue throughout their lives.
Our cadets can
Our cadets can do their best work with encouragement, close supervision, individual attention, and small classes. The college preparatory curriculum provides an outstanding framework to help our students.
Athletics are important for physical well-being of our cadets. Through a full interscholastic and intramural program, we encourage team effort and cooperation. Winning while pleasant, is not all-important. Athletics can be and should be a means by which character and teamwork are built.
Self-confidence and success are inextricably related. In our military training program, as in athletics, a young man can sometimes find his first success. Such training develops poise and self-control.
Believing that American is indeed dear and that patriotism and citizenship should be deep sentiments, we feel that Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps inculcates in our cadets an awareness of duty to country and respect for our national flag.
Wholesome extracurricular activities
Wholesome extracurricular activities give our cadets a greater sense of self-confidence and provide opportunities for leadership. Our activities open avenues for a cadet to express himself, supplement knowledge gained in the classroom, and develop personality.
Character development
Character development is of paramount importance. Character is shaped by our example and by good daily works. While the Academy is non-sectarian, we accept it as our duty that each cadet attends his own church, and we try to encourage his loyalty to the tenets of his religious faith.
We believe in our cadets.
Our task, therefore, is to develop the whole man so that he is fitted not only academically, but also emotionally, physically, and morally to face the trials and meet the opportunities that will be his after he leaves us.