The snow day at Camden Military Academy was really fun. The whole campus has a totally new atmosphere when the snow starts falling. It’s like the campus shifts, and everything feels quieter and more peaceful. Classes were canceled for the first half of the day, so we got to sleep in and enjoy the extra time. I even saw some drone shots of the school from above, and it was so cool to see the whole place from that angle. Seeing Camden covered in snow, looking completely different from how it usually does, is something everyone should get to experience at least once.
The cadets were super excited the morning the snow came. They were all itching to go outside and play in it. Once we finally got the go-ahead to head outside, everyone practically sprinted out the door. Some kids jumped into snowball fights, laughing and throwing snow around, while others started up a game of football on the snow-covered field. It was cool to see how, even though it was a snow day, the cadets still found a way to have fun and enjoy the day. Snow or no snow, it’s all about making the best of whatever comes our way!
– Cadet 1LT Miles Safriet