Horticulture Field Trip

Today the CMA Horticulture class took a trip to the Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden in Bishopville, SC. Mr. Pearl, or as friends, family, and strangers call him, Pearl, welcomed the cadets with wide open arms. We were initially met by Mr. Ennis Bryan, Associate Chair of the Pearl Fryar Historical Board, for a private tour of the 10 acre grounds. Mr. Bryan shared with us his vision for the future restorative and maintenance plans for the garden. In 2019, Pearl had a few health complications that eventually led to his absence in the garden for a few years. Nevertheless, he prevails in his endeavor to spread “Joy, Kindness, and Love”, his personal and garden mission statement. The cadets learned about Pearl’s “trash art”, as he calls them, and why they are scattered intentionally all over his garden. They were informed of the international interest the topiary garden brings in annually including students and horticultural enthusiasts from countries such as Germany, France, Brazil, and many others. The cadets were introduced to another world that is easily overlooked call, Horticulture and have embraced its complexity, beauty, and humility. I couldn’t be more proud of the students that insisted we return to give back to Pearl’s legacy in the form of a few hours of volunteer manual labor to help Mr. Bryan’s vision of the gardens come true. A special and humble thank you to Mr. Pearl Fryar for spending a few moments with our cadets.

– Captain Joey Wilson (Instructor)