My name is CPT Briggs of Alpha Company, and I serve as the Officer of the Day (OD). I would like to give you some insight into this role for our cadets. I assist with any tasks assigned throughout the day. My responsibilities vary, but one of my key duties is retrieving students from class when needed. When I’m not busy with these tasks, I focus on my classwork or check in with my teacher to see if there are any assignments I need to complete. During each meal, I work with the Officer of the Guard (OG) to visit each company’s Executive Officer (XO) and obtain a count of how many cadets are present for formation. This ensures we have an accurate record of attendance. Right before breakfast, the Sergeants of the Guards (SGs) from each company, along with the SG from Carlisle House, gather for guard mount. This is where I, along with the Officer in Charge (OC) and the OG, brief the SGs and outline their duties for the day. After class, I will meet with the SGs again from each company to remind them of their responsibilities during free time and study hall. At 4:00 pm, PAD begins. During PAD, I, along with the OC and the OG, help the TAC officer oversee the activities and ensure things are running smoothly.
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