CMA Uniform Standards

This school year we decided to implement a change to our traditional Cadet dress code.
The Cadet class uniform that has been worn for years consists of a light grey shirt and
darker grey pants with a black stripe up the sides of the legs along with either a flat dark
grey overseas cap or the round blue dress hat. There is also a black, all weather jacket
they can wear with their class uniform when it rains or when it is cold. We also have a
military style camouflage utility uniform we call OCP (operational camouflage pattern)
which is the US Army approved JROTC uniform. After having a discussion with many
of our older Cadets about the uniforms it was decided to try a change from tradition.
One major reason is the ability to keep the uniforms clean. The class uniform has to be
sent out for dry cleaning which is an additional cost and is normally a two week
turnaround, whereas the OCP uniform can be washed in the on campus laundry facility
and returned the next day. The OCP is more comfortable to wear according to other
Cadets and most like how it looks. Lastly, the OCP uniform is not as tailored a fit as the
class uniform so it fits longer as your Cadet grows and doesn’t have to be tailored as
your cadet becomes taller during his time here. The average cadet can wear a set of
OCPs much longer than a set of class uniforms, saving money in the long run. In the
past, the cadets would normally wear the class uniform four days a week and the
JROTC Army OCP uniform once, on Leadership training day. This year we implemented
the new schedule so that the cadets wear their OCP three days a week. This change
also allows cadets who have interests in serving in a military branch the opportunity to
experience a form of daily military lifestyle. After this first semester of trying out the new
uniform schedule, we have decided to switch back to a schedule closer resembling the
traditional uniform schedule wearing the class uniform three days a week and the OCPs
for only two days a week. They will continue to wear their OCP uniform on Leadership
training days and on Fridays. No matter what uniform your Cadet is wearing, the
mission of Camden Military Academy has not changed. We push your Cadet to achieve
his maximum potential and gain the educational foundation to succeed in college and
life as a productive, contributing citizen.

– LTC Brad Lawing (Army Ret.) – Commandant of Cadets