Our Headmaster, Col. Boland sponsored a trip to the Camden Little Theatre for our cadets to see the movie “The Forge.” Col. Boland rented the theatre and took the entire Corps of Cadets, teachers, TACs, and faculty members. The movie is about a young man who graduated high school a year earlier but had yet to make plans for his future. The young man was being raised by his single mother, but he was dealing with his feelings and emotions about his absentee father, who walked out on him and his mother, leaving them with broken promises. Through his mother’s assistance in doing something with his life by first getting a job, he meets a successful business owner who offers him a job. More importantly, the business owner takes him under his wing to mentor him to be better by teaching him life lessons to build his character and develop a relationship with God. The movie focuses on the importance of prayer and biblical discipleship, both instrumental in changing the young man’s life. This powerful movie spoke to and affected the students and staff alike. After the movie, several students said they cried and saw themselves as the main character. Some of the students commented that they needed to do better as a Christian and live a better life, they can do more to tell people about Jesus Christ, and they need to repent and ask God for forgiveness. I highly recommend this movie to everyone, and I hope we take students to see it again next year!
– CMA Chaplain Timothy Hunter