CAP takes to the sky!

This past Saturday, CMA’s Civil Air Patrol (CAP) squadron went glider flying at Bermuda High Gliderport! Located 30 minutes from Camden, five cadets, including myself, flew in an unpowered glider for over 15 minutes. We learned about how such flying is possible, and how it’s so efficient. The ride started with a tow plane pulling us up to around 3,000 feet, and then detaching us from its tow cable, allowing us to glide down freely. The best part was when the instructor let us fly the planes ourselves, which was totally different from the powered aircraft I’m used to. 

After we landed the glider, we spoke to the other pilots at that airport and learned a lot about aviation. Once everyone flew, we drove back, making a stop at McDonald’s for lunch. Only through CMA and their extra curricular programs were we able to have opportunities like that. The Civil Air Patrol offers many opportunities, too, like Search and Rescue, First Aid, and of course, flying. I’d like to thank LTC Melberg, a retired Air Force Pilot and CMA teacher who drove us and was the reason we were able to go. 

– Cadet Noah Dyson