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Military Accomplishments 23-24
Take a look below at some of the Military highlights from the 23-24 school year!

Cadet Nolan Winnek was chosen Cadet of the Semester for first semester!

Cadet Wong was chosen Cadet of the Semester for the second semester and also won Cadet of the Year!

The Blackjack competition drill team received awards in various events to include squad armed and unarmed, colorguard, duet and single exhibition: 4 – 1st place trophies
4 – 2nd place trophies
4 – 3rd place trophies
Aaron Ness, Jackson DeChant, Tobias French,
Griffin Lenrow, Hector Camarillo and
Nicholas Nelson all won individual awards for
their performances.
Nicholas Nelson won the knock out stage State Championship after competing against over 350 cadets from 14 different schools!
CMA’s JROTC maintained its designation as an Honor Unit with Distinction from the Department of the Army!