Now Accepting Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year! Learn More and Apply Today!
Mid-Year Transfer to CMA
Accepting applications for second semester!
Camden Military Academy accepts students at any time throughout the school year!
Many parents make the decision to give their student “one more chance” to prove himself at his local school before beginning the enrollment process at Camden. Interim reports and/or report cards are then distributed and things haven’t improved as promised-a change is needed. Sound familiar? Camden Military can make the current school year count and improve the current academic situation by insuring homework is completed, offering small classes and individual attention, fewer distractions as well as providing daily structure.
Some parents want to wait until the start of the second semester to enroll their students. There are many things to consider before transferring at the start of second semester, especially the ability to improve grades and avoid losing credits. Most of the time, sooner is better than waiting.
Students who are enrolled in a traditional academic schedule currently usually can make the transfer seamlessly. However, if your student is currently enrolled a block schedule at his local school, enrolling at the beginning of second semester could put the student at a disadvantage. For example, if a student takes his final exams and is enrolled in a block schedule, his grade in that class cannot be improved. However, in most cases, if a student does not take his final exams, he can enroll at Camden and continue improving his academic standing in the class. Even if your son completes his final exams, a transfer can still occur but he may be more limited in the improvement of certain grades/subject areas.
It is imperative to contact Camden as soon as possible when considering a transfer. After review of his unofficial transcripts, our academic department can help determine the optimal time for a transfer.
An online application should be completed first. Once CMA receives the application, you will receive an email requesting unofficial academic records as well as a link to schedule an interview for your student. The interview can be conducted on campus, by phone or zoom. Once the the admissions decision is made (usually within 1-2 days), you will be notified of the decision and emailed the Enrollment Forms and next steps.
Please call 803-432-6001 or email with any questions!
Second Semester Tuition | ||
Application Fee | $100.00 | |
Tuition (January 8 start date) | $24,500.00 | |
Tuition (January 20 start date) | $20,995.00 |
* A uniform issue is required of new cadets only and included in the second semester tuition.
** Payments are due on the first day of each month.
TUITION — This fee covers instruction and room and board. It does not include spending money, special medical care beyond the facilities of the infirmary, driver’s education, flying lessons, or willful destruction of property. Parents are billed a $25 handling fee on a monthly basis for laundry and dry cleaning that exceeds $100 per month. Parents are billed on a monthly basis for extra charges incurred.
The cost of operating the Academy must be budgeted on an annual basis. For this reason cadets are accepted the entire school year, and upon entrance a valid and binding contract is in force for the entire school year. In the event of dismissal or withdrawal, the balance of growth and other charges, less credits, becomes immediately due and payable. Credit of only $1000.00 per month will be given for that portion of the school year the student is not in attendance.
Additionally, because the Academy’s budget is tuition driven, payments are required in a timely fashion. Any payment not received in the Academy’s business office by the date due will be assessed a $10.00 late charge. As stated in the contract, should any amount become delinquent, grades and transcripts will be held until the account is settled. Delinquent accounts may be forwarded to an outside agency for collection. Failure to make payments by the due date may result in a cadet’s separation.
529 Plans be used to fund a college education, but up to $10,000 per student can be used to pay private school tuition.
Potential Benefits:
- Contributions to a 529 Plan are income tax deductible (Example: a $10,000 contribution by a parent in the 7% income tax bracket will receive a $700 reduction in his income tax).
- If you don’t have a 529 Plan, you can establish one and begin using funds immediately.
- Gains from investments are exempt from Federal and State taxes as long as the money is used to pay for qualifying educational expenses.
Please contact your tax advisor for more information and details.