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Academic Support
Camden Military Academy has numerous academic supports in place to ensure that your cadet is achieving and maximizing his potential.

Supervised Study Hall
Each evening cadets will participate in a mandatory supervised study hall. The study hall takes place in the barracks. Teachers are assigned to each barracks to ensure students are staying on task and to answer any questions the cadets may have.

Tutorials are held daily and are built into our school day. Each tutorial provides cadets with an extra 20 minutes of instruction in classes where deficits are present. These tutorials can become mandatory depending on the grade in the class.
Have you been told that your son has ADD or ADHD? Do you feel that he may be unfocused, unmotivated or just a little lazy? Camden Military Academy will help your son achieve success!!
Is it ADD, ADHD or just boys being boys? At Camden Military Academy, it doesn’t matter because the daily structure offered is what will help your son succeed! CMA does not believe that education is one size fits all. CMA’s supportive faculty will work with each student individually to help him reach his full potential.
Many students with ADD or ADHD enter Camden Military Academy with either an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 plan from their public school district. Both of these educational plans offer accommodations that the public school should implement so that your son can be successful. However, the goals and objectives are often not met because of the extra time and attention that is needed for each student. The daily routine at Camden meets or exceeds the goals and objectives of most educational plans. On a daily basis, CMA offers…
- Small classes
- Individualized instruction
- Supervised and mandatory study hall
- Traditional daily schedule (not a block schedule)
- 40 minute classes
- Accommodations if needed (extra test time, oral test vs. written, etc…)
- Tutoring
- Supervised medication management (if needed)
As a side note, if you are resident of South Carolina, there is a special scholarship that you could receive from different scholarship organizations. Please follow this link for more information about special scholarship.